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Corporate Logo (Graphic Icon) changes to non discript form

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After installing Malwarebytes (Free) version it loads the logo short cut on the desk top. When I pin it to the Task Bar it shows up as the blue winged icon, similar to the short cut icon. However, after starting the computer, I find that the graphic icon has changed to a non descript program form... and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to reinstate the original corporate logo with the blue wings without having to uninstall, download and re-install. Even then the icon changes after I shut down the computer...when starting up again, it reverts to the generic program icon...


This is pretty weird.


Would appreciate knowing how to rectify this anomaly.





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That has been a longstanding issue with Windows, dating back many, many versions.
It often happens at the time of a software update, triggering minor corruption of the icon cache.
It would help us to better help you with a specific solution if we knew the version of Windows you are running: XP, Vista, 7, 8?
In the interim, yes, a clean reinstall of MBAM might resolve the issue.
The "best practices" steps are explained in this pinned topic: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x

Depending on your version of Windows the steps outlined in these links may also help:


Please post back and let us know how it goes.




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Responding to your question regards my operating system. I am running Windows 7 (64).


I am running MS Essentials antivirus.... (don't know how to turn it off and on)!


I will further explore. Nevertheless, look forward to connecting with your tech support team to assist with a walk through or (via remote control) of problem solving steps.


Thank you,



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Thanks for the added information.

Could you please clarify: is it is the MBAM shortcut icon on the DESKTOP, or the MBAM program icon in the Windows "SYSTEM TRAY (lower right of display, near the clock)?


There are at least a couple of options to restore the shortcut icon:

Malwarebytes does not currently offer remote computer assistance support.

However, if you are not comfortable with support here in the forum, you may prefer instead to open a ticket at the consumer help desk >>HERE<<.

A support team member can assist you one-on-one via email.

If you opt for that route instead, it would expedite the process a bit if you could include in your help desk ticket a reference back to this forum thread:


Every computer is different, so it's impossible to say for sure, but any of the solutions listed above ought to work. :)

Perhaps the staff will have some other suggestions.



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When I install the program it yields a desk top icon with the correct corporate logo...blue wings..


When I pin it to either the Task Bar or Start Menu, I then delete the short cut menu on the desktop as it is redundant. When I start the computer again, the icon showing, on either the Task Bar or Start menu, has changed to the non-descript program icon. There is no icon showing on the task bar "Systems Tray" to the right near the clock. However, when the program was installed originally there was a corporate one in the "Systems Tray" as well as a Short Cut on the Desktop.


I have previously opened a ticket, Aug 16th. Can you transfer this Forum information to the customer support team, or notify them that I these posts exist? Or should I open another ticket?


Thanks, Richard

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If there is no system tray/notification area icon, then it sounds as if you are running the Free version? (Only the Premium version has a system tray icon all the time, indicative of the real-time protection offered by the Premium version.)

I'm not sure what's going on, as I've not seen or heard of the behavior you describe. 

In order to better help you, we would need to see some diagnostic logs and perhaps a screen shot showing what you describe.


HOWEVER, If you already have an open ticket at the help desk, then we would respectfully suggest that you please stay with your support team member there.

It can be confusing, inefficient, and counterproductive to obtain help for one problem in multiple different venues (forum + help desk), or from 2 different team members at the same help desk.


I am not a staff member -- just a home user and forum volunteer -- so I don't have a way to transfer anything here at the forum to your support ticket. :(

Our forum Admin may be able to help you with that when he returns.

Until then, all you need to do is copy and paste the link from this code box below into your next email reply to your helper who is assisting you with your help desk ticket:



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  • Root Admin

This is a Windows 7 issue and it happens to resources that it loses for one reason or another. The links provided by daledoc1 before seem to help most people in general.

You can also try deleting your own shortcut and creating a new one and see if that corrects it. I too have one that keeps getting lost and I have to fix it every once in a while for another database program I run.

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