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John A

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Test machine Windows 8.1 x 64

Issue: No response upon right click on MBAE icon.

Occasionally it works but 4/5 attempts fail. If the icon is hidden, there is no response. If the icon is showing, right click yields the attached

Double click responds as expected.

All other icons are immediately responsive

Issue does not occur on Windows 7 x 32 or XP test computers


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Is this your Win8.1 x64 with Media Center John?


I looked at a previous FRST log you sent me a few days ago and noticed the following:


GroupPolicyUsers\S-1-5-21-1114706745-2732257476-2652516225-1001\User: Group Policy restriction detected <======= ATTENTION


Could you please export your Group Policy settings and send them to me?



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Sorry, just to amend my observations and not sure if relevant however, after reboot from initial install of 1008 it now takes 2 right clicks to produce typical program choices. No result with first right click, Second right click responds appropriately.

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Yes, same computer. How do I export the required group policy? Unsure how to locate it in GPEDIT - it will only export what is in view.

Also, I normally operate using a LOCAL account, which may be relevant.

Is this your Win8.1 x64 with Media Center John?


I looked at a previous FRST log you sent me a few days ago and noticed the following:


GroupPolicyUsers\S-1-5-21-1114706745-2732257476-2652516225-1001\User: Group Policy restriction detected <======= ATTENTION


Could you please export your Group Policy settings and send them to me?



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