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Your program always blocked websites that were dangerous,or part of the website,or some ads etc.

In the "Malicious Website Protection" section there used to be a setting witch was incredible USEFUL! You could "uncheck" so it would never show you what it was blocking. It was so nice and quiet and it never bothered me,wile it still did it's job. There is no such option now, with the new version.

I get in the right bottom side of the screen pop-ups every 5 minutes: from my uTorrent ,from browsing the web...it's so frustrating.

Is there a way to turn these pop-ups off,or can you add the option back again?


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Hello and :welcome:

Unfortunately at this time with notifications, its an all or nothing kind of thing... They are working on giving more notification features in a future program build.

For now you can choose to turn off the notifications if you like, Simply go to Settings => General Settings => and Disable Notifications

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Adblock is a bad program in my opinion. I use Ghostery (similar). And with this activate malwarebytes still goes crazy.Maybe not all the time.If i am on facebook,or on a more secure website like this forum for example sure it's all good. 

Turning off notifications is very bad. I mean i need the program tot ell me when i need to update when it found a virus etc....i need my notifications.Hopefully they will add again the option. I have no idea why they toked it out in the first place. 

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