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Update issues

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So I've been messing around with this for way too long today. 


long story short I didnt sove the problem but I found a work around.


so orginally I could not update, it would just crash, then I decided to skip the updates and clear out any junk I'd find with out updates for now and try updating again after. That did not work as it would crash about a minute or so into the scan as well


It must be something to do with network because if you set mbam to use a Manual proxy under the update settings, it will attempt to update with out crashing. Obviously with out a proper proxy it cant update at all and will just sit there looping the update check until your eye balls rot. Good news is the scan works though. So I downloaded the off line updater mbam-rules.exe , installed that sucker in an admin account and enabled the Manual Proxy setting (left the field blank, so its not nessariy to put an actual address in there). mbam should be, for the time being, up to date and will go through the scan.


hope that helps some one..

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