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Chameleon and Malwarebytes wont work

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So this morning I went to run malwarebyes because I update and scan every day or so, and it started up fine, but then I got a blue screen which made my computer restart. (I'm on windows 8 by the way.) After looking the blue screen up, and finding out it was a memory error, I re-started my scan, but it wouldn't open, no matter how  many times I tried. So I finally tried chameleon, and I tried all 13 and none of them worked. So I thought I'd try uninstalling and re-installing. 

However after all of that, it still wouldn't open. So I uninstalled again and tried installing using chameleon, and again it didn't work. I'm not sure  if this is something new that is harder to work around of if I'm doing something wrong. 


Please help, I'd like to upgrade to premium next paycheck, but I'm not sure if this doesn't get fixed. Thank you. 

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Hello and :welcome:

Let's try this first....

Thank You,


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