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Power went out during update. Now MBAM won't run.

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Everytime I run mbam.exe, I see it as "Running" on the task manager for a few second before it gets "Suspended" and then shuts down. I uninstalled and reinstalled and that didn't work. (During reinstallation, it was running 4 copies of the installation, and kept giving me errors. It did install despite the errors.) I did a system restore, that didn't work either. I googled around and saw that I should run chameleon and it gives me these messages:

MBAM-Chameleon ver. 3.0.4

Press any key to continue

Installing Driver...

Protected Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Chameleon\Windo



Trying to start Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, please wait...

Failed to start Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Killing known malicious processes, please wait...

Mbam-killer Timeout set to 1800 seconds.

Mbam-killer encountered an exception initializing - Integrity verification faile

d - 4e35

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware has terminated - unable to start the scan.

Removing protection driver...


Press any key to continue

I don't know what to do. I don't think it's an infection, since MBAM ran like normal just an hour ago before the power outage. Is it normal for it to act like this if the computer abruptly shut down in the middle of an update? Should I delete some leftover files after the uninstallation for the program to reinstall correctly?

My OS is windows 8. Thank you for your time.

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Hello and :welcome:

Let's try this first....

Thank You,


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