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Corporate version vs Free version

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I work for an IT company and we are testing a number of malware applcations for a client that has retail and corporate sites. We are looking for something simple that the client can use and that we will have the least amount problems setting up to get past their firewall, proxy settings, etc... especially in the store locations where the machines are locked down tight.

I tested the free version on a store PC, setting the proxy settings to allow malwarebytes.org to be allowed through as well as making sure the firewall allows the site. I can get to the site and download the program, I can install and run the program with no problem but when we try and run the update we get blocked and the programs update application returns an error message that the internet connection could not be found. When the update firsts runs it shows it is trying to connect to malwarebytes.org but like I said, returns with an error. I am wondering if the update gets redirected to another site and if so, does the corporate version do the same? If so, what is the site it gets redirected to? Before I can go back to the client and tell them this is the product to spend their money on, I need to know that once it's setup a store person can update the application without any intervention from us.

Let me stress we have other applications that I have tested and work well and have no problem perfoming updates on definition tables. Most of us are partial to this product as is the clients IT manager. Thanks for the help.

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