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question regarding protection by malwarebyte

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1) Most forum always advice people to first scan your PC with malwarebyte anti-malwarebyte and if still doesn't solve the problem then wait for the expert to help. Therefore I am wondering is there a need to have a anti virus if you have malwarebyte install.

2) Is there any difference between anti virus and malwarebyte?

3) Is there any difference in detection ability between free and paid version aside from the real time protection?

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1) Yes, you absolutely must have an anti-virus. MBAM is not an AV or a substitute for one: https://helpdesk.malwarebytes.org/hc/en-us/articles/201861736-Does-Malwarebytes-Anti-Malware-replace-antivirus-software-


2) See above.  More information about the different types of computer infections, and how to prevent/detect/remove them is here:


The complexity of finding, preventing, and cleanup from malware


3) PREMIUM provides REAL-TIME PROTECTION to PREVENT infection.  Free is just a manual scanner to REMOVE infections already on the computer.

PREMIUM also offers scheduled tasks (scans and update checks, incremental updates), as well as Hyper scan option.



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Thanks for all the useful link but I have another question, I heard those that target business enterprise and home user is different. Those that target business enterprise are more vicious, is it true?

If so, how do you protect yourself from it? Since most people bring work home to do. Is malwarebyte free sufficient? What other preventive measure would you recommend?

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