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My Host File Is Not Working

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have not already resolved the issue, there are at least 3 ways to get the Hosts reset.

a) reset Hosts as per Microsoft

How can I reset the Hosts file back to the default


b) a manual fix of the file

c) following the MVP Hosts procedure

As it seems that you leaned towards the MVP Hosts file, I will list the way to refresh that one.

Get and SAVE the custom hosts file http://mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm

Steps to follow for the MVP Hosts file:

1) Download and SAVE the zip file to a temporary folder

2) Unzip (extract the contents) in the same folder

3) Temporarily disable your antivirus program. Some antivirus apps will block changes to the Hosts file; so turn it off.

4) After extract is complete, run mvps.bat batch file. This copies your pre-existing Hosts file to Hosts.mvp in the folder where Windows' Hosts resides

typically, C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc

and after that copy is saved, it replaces the old Hosts with the new one.

And you should see (in the blue background command window) the following:


¦ +---+¦


¦ +---+¦


Previous version saved and renamed to HOSTS.MVP

Press any key to continue . . .

Find the folder where you saved the original download. Delete hosts.zip and a file folder there named hosts

The latter is the same folder that had mvps.bat

5) Re-enable your antivirus app.

The MVP Hosts file is updated from time to time. See http://msmvps.com/blogs/hostsnews

for information. And you can also sign-up for email notice when Mike publishes updates.

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  • 1 month later...

Update. I used MS Mr. Fixit, I rebooted, and I came back to a functioning Hosts file. It is in a new location but it's working/. See attached. Will it need periodic updating? A big thanks to all who helped me. Anne



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In Post #17  it shows the erroneous path of;  %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

It can be empty as the OS does NOT care about it,  More importantly however is having a folder named;  %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts  may inhibit a file named hosts in the .\etc sub-folder.


In Post #18 it shows the hosts file in "My Documents".  That can't work unless a specific Registry setting points there and I am NOT posting that Registry key.

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