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BSOD on start up

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I purchased Malwarebytes premium. (I also have McAfee installed.)


It installed and ran a scan fine.  It found a PUP - a toolbar/adware.


This is a new alienware laptop... just received 2 weeks ago.


I deleted the quarantined toolbar.




When I rebooted after removing the identified PUP, upon logging in to windows my computer bluescreened and crashed to restart.  Again - when I logged in to windows, it crashed.  I entered in safemode the 3rd time and was unable to run Malwarebytes, so I uninstalled it and ran the mbam clean program I see mentioned in all your posts.  I reinstalled the program - ran a scan - it found no more threats.  I rebooted and the BSOD occurred again - same thing: log in and crash/blue screen.


I've paid for premium, so I'd like to reinstall the program that I've paid for.  Is there a setting I need to concern myself with to avoid this?

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Hello and :welcome: :
It's highly unlikely that a PUP removal alone will cause a BSOD.
BSOD is usually caused by hardware issues, driver issues or some serious types of infections (rootkits).

It's impossible to say without more detailed information.
Given that you were/are infected and given that sorting this out will require the use of tools whose use is not permitted in this section of the forum, here's what I suggest:

First: please check the computer manufacturer website for any driver updates (especially network drivers) -- just because the computer was newly purchased doesn't always mean that the drivers are up-to-date. 
Then: please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue.

The help is free and will only cost you a bit of your time.

If there are still issues with installing or running MBAM after your helper gives you the "all clear", s/he may refer you back here, as needed.


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