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Hi hope you can help please


I am running a scan and the program hangs at the end of the heuristic scan after finding over 13,000 items.


I have done the following:


- reinstalled MWB using the MWB removal program and instructions

- run in safe mode as wel as normal mode


I attach the log files as requested in another post and hope you can help thanks




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Hello and :welcome: :


Preliminary review of your logs shows that you may be infected with at least PUPs and junkware.

We can't work on malware diagnostics and removal in this sub-section of the forum.

So, for expert assistance, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.

Since you have already run FRST, you just need to start a new topic in the malware removal section of the forum and include these same logs in that new post.
A malware analyst will guide you through the cleanup process.  Your helper will also assist you with getting MBAM up and running.


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