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malware ad popups adsrvmedia

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Hi, The neighbor ended up getting to a web page that had a video/voice of a female say the computer was infected and to do certain things, including calling some number.  They did those things, even called the number (and they clamined that came up because they were a ms business partner, etc.. etc..), but when they wanted them to do something so they could take over the computer decide it wasn't a good idea.  Anyway, whatever got installed now nothing I've tried can remove it.  Tried bitdefender rescue cd (found a couple things, deleted), tried bitdefender installed (found several things, deleted), run malwarebytes, found lot's of things and quarintened.  But, it's still there.  You open IE, type adobe flash for search, comes up at first with a overlay popup on the bottom with an ad, you close it with the X and then pops up another thing saying flash is out of date with a sad face, an other crap banner ads flashing around.


I'd rather it be able to be removed without having to reinstall WIndows 8 for them.  Is there something I can run to collect data from this computer and send it somewhere to try and figure it out so it can be removed by malwarebytes ?




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