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Black screen after scanning.

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I suspected that my pc was infested so I decided to try Malwarebytes, it being highly recommended.


I downloaded it from the website and ran the scanned. After a few minutes, when the scan was complete it showed about 25 threats. I accepted the changes and the pc restarted. When it came back on, after entering my user password i got to a black screen.


- I'm using windows 8. 


This is the first time anything like this has happened to me and actually my first problem since using windows 8 so i have no idea what to do. Google wasn't too helpful, i found one post about something related to false/positive, that had a fix, but was from 2013.


Thanks in advance.  THis antivirus saved computers for me before and it;s the first time something went wrong

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Hello and welcome:
The scenario you describe could be the result of system damage from a severe infection, such as a rootkit.
We can't work on malware diagnostics and removal in this sub-section of the forum.

So, for expert assistance, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
If the system is so crippled that you cannot even run the preliminary tools requested in that sticky topic, please just either start a new topic in the malware removal section, or open a help desk ticket, anyway.
The experts will have other tools to use to help to get you back up and running.
A malware analyst will guide you through the cleanup and repair process.

P.S. For anyone who might read this topic, you wrote:

THis antivirus saved computers for me before <snip>

For the record, MBAM is not an "anti-virus" (AV) and is not a substitute for an AV. It is intended to run alongside a robust AV, either free or paid.

Does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware replace antivirus software? ;)

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You're most welcome.

Yes, any of the major, popular AVs is a good choice -- there is no one "best" product for all computers and all users. :)


MBAM is Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.  Computer infection terminology and jargon can be pretty confusing. 

Your #1 priority now is to get your computer cleaned and back up and running. 

But, when the dust settles, you might wish to read these informative stickies posted by our forum Admin:



The complexity of finding, preventing, and cleanup from malware

List of well known antivirus products



Take care,


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