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So I'm freaking out now. I have a ton of stuff on my comp. I have 2 antiviruses active which is MBAM (Premium) and F-Secure (Paid for). Weird thing is that it wasn't detected by MBAM and only F-Secure. It has been blocked like a 100 times from what I've seen in the logs.


Its location is on my C: Drive in the windows folder. I've had to restart my computer after it said malware was detected after trying to access my windows account and it started fine.


Its first appearance was 2 days ago on 8/5/2014 so its been living for days now. I've ran a scan yesterday on safe mode and it didn't detect anything. 


Should I be worried? I don't think F-Secure is that good anyway.

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F-Secure didn't remove it. And it froze on the 2nd try. MBAM got really slow so I've cancelled it and boot into safe mode. I'll try to run another scan now.


Is it safe to manually delete it myself? I'm nervous because it is part of my windows folder and could be an important system file. Maybe its just infected? Anyone?

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nvm I've deleted the file. But the other 2 autorun.inf files in my other drives disappeared after I deleted suspicous programs disguised as a folder. They were 2 of them in my 2 drives and were the same size and were all named new folder.


Seems to be stable from here.

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