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mbam problems, cant start, install, uninstall

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having problems with my computer, brother told me to run mbam once a week. i looked and it was already installed on computer. tried to start it, it says newer version detected, installing now. then i get a error sayin it failed install cause it cant uninstall old version due to corrupted setup file. tried uninstalling from control panel, same error, tried downloading new version and installing, same problem.. so i decieded to try just deleting to program in explorer, it got rid of most of it but still left 5 files, cant delete the files cause it says they r in use by mbam service and mbam schedualer, because there are still files the new install still detects as its installed.. tried stoping the services but it wont let me, and i cant undelete the files cause i did perm delete.. help please, how can i get it to remove the old version or let me install over it? running windows 7 on a dell inspiron

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