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Scan one suspicious file

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I keep having a dialog box show up asking me if I want to run or save a file. I'm suspicious that it is an undetected malware or virus that neither MalwareBytes or AVG is catching.


How do I use MalwareBytes to scan this one file? I can't find the exact file on my system, so would I be able to type in what it's calling itself somewhere on my MalwareBytes program?


Thanks for your time,



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Hello and :welcome: :


Context menu scanning is disabled by default in version 2.

If you want to enable it, please make sure your settings look like the attached screenshot.


Having said that, the dialog box you describe and the inability to locate the file on your computer to scan it sound suspicious.


As such, it might be a good idea to get an expert to help you check the system for malware.

I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
A malware analyst will assist you for free with looking into your issue, to be sure you aren't infected.



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" I can't find the exact file on my system "

As you said, it is asking to be run or saved ..... you have to save it first before you can scan it, or upload and test at virustotal.com


Good point. :)


But, if the OP doesn't know what the file is and suspects it may be malware, then she might still want to head over to the malware removal section.


@c280benzy:  Can you please post a screen shot of the dialog window?????



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