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Malware.Packer.Gen - SolidWorks 2014 - safe or..?

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Hello. I've been a long time user of MBAM, and don't install anything that seeems dodgy. Common sense has been my best friend, while MBAM saved the day here and there.


My question is this thing already on my computer, and if not, is there any safe install for the software?


The software I bought off the net is SolidWorks 2014, and it's the real-deal (hopefully).


Before I even opened the flash drive, I scanned it with MBAM and this is what came up.


Name: Malware.Packer.Gen

Type: File

Location: F:\SW14\SW201464X\SolidWorks 2014 x64\Permanent Activation\PDMWorksKeyGen.exe


I had the option to quarantine, but instead just pulled the drive, without the 'safely remove...' and rescanned my entire computer. Nothing has shown up in the scans yet.


Only found four posts on MBAM forums, and for different softwares.


Any help is greatly appreciated. Hoping it's a false positive but doubtful based on it's dubious name.

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The software I bought off the net is SolidWorks 2014, and it's the real-deal (hopefully).


Sounds like you got taken to the bank....

The software that you bought seems to be PIRATED SOFTWARE, especially if it contains the file in question.

You should get a refund and only buy the software directly from Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp


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It was only $50, so not too much of a loss. Very well could've been worse.


In the back of my mind I thought it might turn out like this. Learned my lesson.


Thanks for the fast and helpful reply.


PS: On a side note, is this actually true? It seems hard to believe with what little firmware is stored on a USB drive..

Here's the link. http://www.wired.com/2014/07/usb-security/

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