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100% Disk


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When I Custom Scan or Full Scan with Malware bytes Anti-malware it makes my 100% DIsk, Like when i go to task manager it goes to 100% for Disk, but when i turn of AVG scan and malware scan it goes down.


Why is that? Is this scannervirus? 

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It is very normal that when you scan files disk utilization should increase.


When you have one anti malware application perform an "On Demand" scan the anti virus application in the background will see the file being read and it too will scan the files based upon it Heuristics and Signatures.  Therefore putting that in perspective to Malwarebytes and Grisoft AVG, When you initiate a Full Scan (which is an "On Demand" scan) every file that Malwarebytes opens for READ will also be opened by AVG for READ in what is called "On Access" scanning.  Both applications will examine the file using their respective Heuristic and Signature based detections to see if the file(s) being opened may be deemed;  malicious, a Possibly Unwanted Program (PUP), a hacktool, etc.  Thus one can and should expect hard disk utilization to rise.  It is not unlike you are driving your car on flat ground and the RPM is at 1500 at some speed in MPH or KMH.  But now you are approaching a hill.  You have to apply more gas and the RPM rises to maintain the same speed as you traverse the hill.  Climbing the hill increases utilization just as scanning files increases utilization.


I won't characterize 100% as normal nor abnormal just that a high utilization should be expected.  It is one reason why I tell people it is contraindicated to perform some other operation while you do a scan.  Be patient, wait, and let it complete.

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Thanks, I was 


It is very normal that when you scan files disk utilization should increase.


When you have one anti malware application perform an "On Demand" scan the anti virus application in the background will see the file being read and it too will scan the files based upon it Heuristics and Signatures.  Therefore putting that in perspective to Malwarebytes and Grisoft AVG, When you initiate a Full Scan (which is an "On Demand" scan) every file that Malwarebytes opens for READ will also be opened by AVG for READ in what is called "On Access" scanning.  Both applications will examine the file using their respective Heuristic and Signature based detections to see if the file(s) being opened may be deemed;  malicious, a Possibly Unwanted Program (PUP), a hacktool, etc.  Thus one can and should expect hard disk utilization to rise.  It is not unlike you are driving your car on flat ground and the RPM is at 1500 at some speed in MPH or KMH.  But now you are approaching a hill.  You have to apply more gas and the RPM rises to maintain the same speed as you traverse the hill.  Climbing the hill increases utilization just as scanning files increases utilization.


I won't characterize 100% as normal nor abnormal just that a high utilization should be expected.  It is one reason why I tell people it is contraindicated to perform some other operation while you do a scan.  Be patient, wait, and let it complete.

Thanks i was worried that it was something abnormal, !!!!

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