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Purchased $24.95 premium product..can't download it....

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Hi there,

     Having purchased the $24.95 premium product some 40 minutes ago, I have been unable to download it; my computer never reaches either the point whre I am instructed to 'double-click' something or other to begin the installation, let alone not reaching the 'completing the 'Malwarebytes Setp Wizard' panel.


This is extremely exasperating and infuriating to say the least, and I believe that my computer might be infected, so the sooner I can get the product to dowload onto my computer, the faster I can scan it.


I installed Adobe Reader on May 7, 2014, so I hope that that version is sufficient.


Also, when I was invited to sign onto the forum via Facebook, i was directed to something that I've never heard of called Zendesk.com


Is that a subsidiary of yours or Facebook, or what the heck is it?



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As you mention that you think you might be infected, the malware could be interfering with the download and installation of MBAM.


First thing to try:

Download and save to your desktop the installer file from this link: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mwb-download/ or this link: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam-download.php

Then use the license ID and key sent to you in the confirmation email to ACTIVATE the program to the Premium version.

If that doesn't work, then you can try a different browser, to see if that works.


Having said all that, it might be a good idea -- even if you do succeed in installing and running MBAM -- to head over to the malware removal section.

To do so, please follow the steps in this pinned topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers.

The experts there will assist you with any needed cleanup and repair.

I mention this in particular in case you purchased the MBAM Premium software from the infected computer -- conducting financial transactions on an infected system can put your personal and financial information at risk.

The malware helpers can provide some important counter-measures for you to safeguard your information.




P.S. You don't need Adobe Reader to download or install MBAM. ;)

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I have been directed to that portion of the site before, but when I click 'Save' in either case, nothing happens, since there's no option to save the product as an icon on my desktop alongside the orginal MBAM icon which has been on my computer for several months, which prevents me from either opening or activating the program.


Thanks for the link to the assistance for infected computers--I'll try that as well.

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That doesn't sound right.


When you click THIS LINK it ought to open a dialog window that looks like the attached screenshot.

You then click "save" button to save the program installer file.

It will NOT create a desktop shortcut icon -- you have only downloaded the program's setup file. ;)

You then need to RUN the file to actually install the program, by either double-clicking on it (Windows XP) or right-click > "run as administrator" (Vista/7/8) and following the instructions in the setup wizard.

After installation, you would use the license ID/key that were sent to you to ACTIVATE the program to the PREMIUM version.


HOWEVER, it sounds from what you describe that you may already have MBAM Free installed on the computer?

Are you only looking to UPGRADE to the PREMIUM version?

If so, please post back and let us know, so that we can provide further help, depending on what version you have installed.


Having said all that, again, if you think you might be infected, we'll still recommend getting some expert help with cleaning your system, as already mentioned.




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That's exactly the image I get, and yes, i have had the free version of MBAM on my computer for several months. You recently offered a free 7-day trial to the premium version I presume which has since expired, and I purchased the $24.95 product just over an hour ago.


I guess what I'm not understanding is why after I click that 'save' button in the image you posted, nothing happens, nor does another MBAM icon appear on my desktop where the one for the free version of MBAM has been for several months, since I haven't a clue where I'm saving it to or how to access it if/when the need arises.



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As I mentioned, the program does not create a desktop shortcut icon until it is installed.
But, here's the thing:
If you are already infected, then the first priority needs to be getting cleaned up.
There are several immediate reasons

  • The PREMIUM version offers PROTECTION against infection getting onto the computer -- if you are already infected, then you need to focus on REMOVAL and cleanup, first.
  • The PREMIUM version scanner is identical to the Free version scanner -- so there is no need or advantage to trying to upgrade now if you are already infected.
  • The infection could be interfering with the download, installation or upgrade process.
  • If you did conduct a financial transaction from a possibly infected computer, then it's VERY important to get help with both cleanup and countermeasures to protect your financial information. 

This sort of work cannot be conducted in this sub-section of the forum.
So, I would again suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers. :)
A malware analyst will guide you through the cleanup process.

Your helper can also assist you with getting your MBAM activated to the Premium version, once the malware problems have been addressed.



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That's exactly the image I get, and yes, i have had the free version of MBAM on my computer for several months. You recently offered a free 7-day trial to the premium version I presume which has since expired, and I purchased the $24.95 product just over an hour ago.

Sorry to step in DD...

@Marv1988, You mention that you already have the free version of Malwarebytes installed on this computer but its expired (BTW its a 14 day trial). Is it still installed? Will it open? What errors do you get if any?

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Hi, Firefox:


Yep, the OP has told us that he already had Free installed (though I'm not sure what version). :)


Before helping him with the activation to Premium (depending on whether he needs to update to 2.0 or not from version 1.75), I thought it might be advisable to get cleaned up first?


and I believe that my computer might be infected, so the sooner I can get the product to dowload onto my computer, the faster I can scan it.


Just a thought... :)


Feel free to take over, as you see fit, perhaps with an attempt to activate or with getting some Diagnostic Logs, to see what's going on. :)



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