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Disabling Window Pop-up when scanning

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Are there a way to disable the Malwarebytes window that pops up when the scheduled scan starts? I'd prefer that the automatic scan occurs without this window showing up. It would be better that if just the toolbar icon informs that there are a scan in progress.




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What version of MBAM are you running?
Scheduled scans are now "silent" in MBAM 2.
If you are still running 1.75, there is an option to run scans silently from the system account, BUT you might want to cleanly upgrade to the current version.
Please follow the steps in this pinned topic to uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest build - MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x


And, yes, an animated system tray icon is on the features list for a future version. ;) 


Please let us know if this resolves your issue.


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Thank you for you answer. I'm already using MBAM 2. But I couldn't reproduce this effect now, even when I changed the scheduled time. I noted that he scan window appears sometimes after the logon as if I had clicked at the MBAM icon at taskbar . I will pay more attention for this event.



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