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MBAM updates cause crash

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If you are unable to update Malwarebytes Anti-Malware's database, please follow the steps below :

1: Download our netconf replacement tool from the link below


2: Extract the Net Conf Fix folder on your desktop. If you are unsure how to extract the contents of the .zip folder, please see this tutorial from Microsoft:


3: Once extracted, open the Net Conf Fix folder.

4: Double click on the net-replace.bat file. If you are using Windows Vista or higher, please right-click the net-replace.bat file and click Run as Administrator from the menu.

5: After the tool has run, launch Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and click Update Now

Please let me know if you are able to update the database after running this tool.

I was having the same issues. Also, mbam was not starting with Windows. I have not checked to see if that worked or not. I was wondering--can I delete the Net Conf Fix folder on my desktop? I had some updating issues with mbam after install of the latest edition and I ended up having to revert back to the old version of mbam in order for it to work on my other laptop. Will this also fix my updating issues on the other laptop?

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