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Netstat -b shows explorer.exe established static:4003

Guest Bolt_Action

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Guest Bolt_Action

Hi can someone tell me what is static:4003 and why explorer.exe is connecting to it? Also is this a sign of a malware infection? I tried google but no luck. I heard that Windows 8 use explorer to phone home but I'm still not sure what it's doing. If someone could help me that would be great. :)

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Insufficient data.


If it is TCP Port 4003 is this an OUTBOUND or INBOUND communication or is the a case of LISTENING at TCP port 4003 ?

Additionally it is not the name of a file that is pertinent but the fully qualified name and path to the file that is pertinent.


c:\windows\explorer.exe   is legitimate

c:\windows\com server\explorer.exe   is NOT legitimate


Instead of a command line utility, use a GUI utility

TCPView  or CurrPorts


Then get a screen capture showing this TCP port usage, and as much surrounding this as possible, and attach the JPEG to your reply.

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