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Databases out of date


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We do not have a permanent connection to the Internet and connect only as required.  The Databases out of date message appears continuously in the lower right corner. Is it possible to have that message come up ONLY when there is an Internet connection as it is a nuisance having it there all the time?  It mat be a couple of weeks before we need the Internet again, but that message just blolcks and important part of the screen.  Infact, I can see that the "blo" in the word "blocks" is underlined, but that message prevents me corrrecting it.

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Hello and :welcome:

The are working on the notification part of the program to make it more user friendly and with more options for all types of notifications, these options will eventually be added on a future release of Malwarebytes.

In the meantime however, you can change the setting about database being out of date if you like. You can find that setting under Settings => Update Settings => Change the default of 1 day to your preferred number of days. Or simply uncheck it and you should not be notified.

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