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Installing Malwarebytes on another computer

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Hi Forum support,


I originally purchased and activated Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium on 04/05/14  for a 1 year subscription, (1 license per 3 PCs) on one computer, that I had borrowed while I was having a new one built.

Now I want to install the Malwarebytes software on the new computer I received, after which I will remove it from the borrowed one. I can't find any information on how to do this on the Malwarebytes website. When I sent this request for help to Malwarebytes Support I received an email back instructing me to post theis request for information on this web page, so I am doing so.


In the meantime I've already installed another free version on the new computer, but don't know how to transfer the paid for Premium one onto this new machine.

The only information any of my notes as far as numbers, passwords, user names, authentication,  etc. I can ever recall receiving from Malware Bytes that I have in my records are as follows:

a "Cleverbridge" reference 8 digit number;
an "identifier" (numbers & upper case letters) ten numbers & letters separated with a hyphen like "XXXXX-XXXXX";

a "user ID" six digit number;
and a  "validation key": (32 numbers and lower case letters in a single string).

Using the new computer I've tried entering various combinations of the above numbers into the  fields sections of the "activate" page but none of them work.

For activation of my paid Anti-Malware Premium on this new computer -- can you tell me what page on the Malwarebytes web site I should go to usng my new computer in order to do this, and which of these or what numbers to enter into whatever fields may appear on any form that comes up in order to activate the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium software I already purchased on this new computer -- (or if there's something else I need to do). Thank you.


Edited by gonzo
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Thanks for the detailed explanation -- BTW I have asked the moderators to remove your personal information from this public forum post. ;)

The information could be harvested by spammers, scammers and worse.
The new, consumer, 3-PC, subscription licenses can be activated on up to 3 PCs at a time.
So, one would just install MBAM on as many as 3 PCs and use the same license ID and key to ACTIVATE the program on all 3 computers.

That license is the one cleverbridge sent you in their confirmation email at the time of the purchase.
If I understand you correctly, your issue is that you want to "permanently" remove 1 license activation from the 1 temporary computer you were using, in order to re-use that activation on another system and that you are having trouble activating on the new computer?
The basic instructions are here: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x.
The only difference is that you would cleanly uninstall from the "old" computer, using mbam-clean and rebooting, and then you would "re"install & activate on the new one.
There is more information about "transferring" a license here: How do I transfer my Malwarebytes Anti-Malware license to a different computer?
More information (with a video) about activation here: How do I activate Malwarebytes Anti-Malware?
And here: What does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0 mean for me?


EDIT: If you are getting an error message when you try to enter the license info, the most likely explanation is a typo substituting a letter or number for a different character, as explained >>HERE<<, or the inclusion of trailing spaces when doing a copy and paste from the confirmation email.  So, that is the most important thing to check.

The bottom line is this: as long as you have your 3-PC, subscription license for MBAM PREMIUM installed and activated on no more than 3 PCs at a time, you should be fine.



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