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how to use Malwarebytes to scan remotely?


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Hi, as above topic title. i'm a little confused as Remediation tool is design for scanning of endpoint remotely. but when i open up MBAM, it doesn't have any options for me to scan remotely to any device on my network. am i doing it wrong? or is there some configuration needs to be done? 

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  • Staff

Hi dylmos,


Here's some examples of how to run MBAM-RT to disinfect computers in a network:

  • Locally on each computer
    • Uncompress the MBAM-RT package into a directory in the local computer and run mbam.exe manually.
    • Uncompress the MBAM-RT package into a USB drive and plug it into each infected computer and run mbam.exe from the USB drive. You might want to consider formatting the drive first and then protecting it with "Panda USB Vaccine" before copying MBAM-RT into it to make it more resilient before using it on infected endpoints.
  • Over the network.
    • Uncompress the MBAM-RT package into a directory of your central server and share that directory so that it's readable from the network. Create a new MBAM-Logs directory on the server and make it readable and writable from the network.
    • Establish the options you want to run mbam.exe with. In the "Admin Guide" included in MBAM-RT there is a section 3.0 which shows the different command-line options for running mbam.exe. An example
      • \\SERVER\MBAM-RT\mbam.exe /scan -quick -log -silent -remove -reboot /logtofolder \\SERVER\MBAM-Logs\%username%
  • Configure your network to have endpoints run mbam.exe
    • If you have an endpoint management tool in your network (i.e. network manager) consider using that to execute mbam.exe on each endpoint at will.
    • If you don't, consider using Active Directory GPO to automatically launch mbam.exe at logon (example here).
  • If what you are looking for is a central management console to do all this automatically from a point and click user interface (i.e. deploy, configure and click-to-scan over the network) consider MBAM For Business instead which does come with the Malwarebytes Management Console.
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