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Malwarebyte stuck at 546 elements

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First,my version of Malwarebyte is not in english,so the text from Malwarebyte will maybye not exact(I will also put the original text,in case someone speak french).


One hour ago,i was on my computer when suddenly,a message box from Malwarebyte told me that

"Malwarebyte could not load the DDA Anti-Rootkit pilot.This might indicate the presence of rootkit."(Malwarebyte n'as pas pu charger le pilote Anti-Rootkit DDA.Cela peut indiquer la présence de Rootkit).It also told me that if i click "OK",Malwarebyte will reboot my PC, and it will launch an Anti-Rootkit scan.


My PC reboot,and the scan begin.All i can see is a black screen and Malwarebye running.Two min after,it is scanning the 564th element.The part of the scan is "Memory object"(Objet en mémoire),this part of the scan started wih the 564th element.


The problem,it is that it as been 50 min since this part of the scan,it is still on the 564th element.

A normal scan(without Rootkit) last 10/20 min normally on this PC.

Is it Normal?Does tihs kind of scan last that long normally.


Thank you in anticipation.

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EDIT: I had to close the scan and reboot the PC(the pc is not mine,it's my Grand-mother's,and she needed to use the pc).

But still,is it normal that it was on the 564th element for 50 min?

And was there a danger with the fact that Malwarebyte could not load the DDA Anti-rootkit Pilot?

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