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Latest version Anti-Malwarebytes neg impact on sys performance

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It's fine as the free version, altho manual scanning takes a bit longer than v. 1.75 ever did.


Enabling the real-time shields for website and malware protection slows the snappiness and resposiveness of this system, as a recent round of a trial version proved out.  We're talking adding another twenty seconds cold boot to desktop when enabled, and calling a program like LibreOffice or Acronis will be delayed up to 15 seconds over when running Anti-Malwarebytes Free.


System is running a SSD cache drive, 80 GB SATA II system drive, so when a program is clicked to run, LibreOffice and Acronis will open @ 3-5 seconds and 5-7 seconds respectively with MBAM Free, but 12-15 seconds and 13-20 seconds with the trial version enabled.


Protection is fine, actually superior, but manual scanning and program starts are affected negatively (slower) when running the trial version.  Any plans to lighten the impact of real-time protection in a future release for older machines?


Otherwise, an excellent product.  It does what it says it will do, no crashing.  Unfortunately, the trial was ended after ten days.


System will boot to desktop in 35-38 seconds w/o the trial version, and 1:03 with it enabled.




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It would help the team if we had a bit of system information.


Please read the following and post back attached to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs

NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located here - Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions




P.S. The moderator team may relocate this post to the MBAM Support section here. No worries. :)

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