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Hello everyone!


I just got a new laptop for the college, and I need some files from my old laptop.

But, for protection, I did some scans on the old laptop to be sure that nothing is infected.


Here is the results;

- Avast Rescue Disk - nothing infected (some files were a "decompression bomb", but I removed them)

- ESET Online Scanner - nothing infected

- Malwarebytes full scan on Safe Mode - nothing infected


So, I'm safe to do the backup? Or should I do the diagnostic logs?



Thank you guys for the help.

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Yes, if you'd like a second opinion, please feel free to start a new, separate topic with Diagnostic Logs in the Malware Removal section, after reading this pinned topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers.


The experts will review the logs and assist with any other needed scans, malware removal, etc.



I just created all log files, but when I try to send to Malwarebytes support, it says about an internal error.

It just here this is happening? Or they are just doing some server maintenance?

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