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Update Database doesn't work

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I'm having a few problems with my Premium software, version 2.0.2, running on 32 bit Windows Vista. I've tried using the Autoruns software, but that hasn't solved the problem. Malwarebytes wont update it's database, there's is no real time protection and it keeps on crashing. 


I've attached the files you need. 


If anyone can help me resolve these problems, then I will appreciate it very much.


Thank you.




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Can’t Update

Hello and :welcome:

A couple of easy things to check:

>> 1. First, please be sure your system date/time are correct.

>> 2. Then, please be sure that your AV and firewall both give MBAM full permissions. It's possible that your AV or firewall might be treating the new build as a new program and may be blocking it -- the files that need to be excluded can be found =>HERE<=. Please post back if you need help with that.

>> 3. Also, please check to be sure there are no "Detected Threats" that need to be dealt with first, as this can prevent the program from updating: Click the "Scan" button at the top of the dashboard and verify that there are no detected threats (especially PUPs or PUMs) awaiting your actions.
***NOTE: If your last scan was with database update 2104.07.26.09 and you have detected items that need attention (especially windows files) do not Quarantine those files - there was a bug with that update.

If those suggestions don't resolve your issue:

  • Please follow the steps in this pinned topic to uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest build - MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x
  • If that does not correct the issue, then please read the following and post back attached to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)
  • NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located here - Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions

Having said all that, your logs actually show that the computer is infected. If you prefer one on one help to get it cleaned up do this instead:

Being that you are probably infected, feel free to follow the instructions below to receive free, one-on-one expert assistance in checking your system and clearing out any infections and correcting any damage done by the malware.

Please see the following pinned topic which has information on how to get help with this: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers

Thank you


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Great, you can wait for coustomer support or try your luck in the Malware Removal section as your logs show that you are indeed infected.

Being that you are infected, feel free to follow the instructions below to receive free, one-on-one expert assistance in checking your system and clearing out any infections and correcting any damage done by the malware.

Please see the following pinned topic which has information on how to get help with this: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers

Thank you

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