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Prepping a PC with Malwarebytes for WDS image capture

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We have recently purchased and begun deploying Malwarebytes Enterprise Edition to existing PCs in our environment. I need to update our corporate images so that new PCs will have a Malwarebytes client already installed. I would like information regarding the steps to take prior to capturing an image.

Is there a tool (such as the Symantec Endpoint Protection Clone Prep Tool) to clear the unique identifiers (Symantec uses a hardware ID registry entry and a local XML file) prior to capture? This prevents duplicate entries from appearing in the management console. I'm not familiar with the method that Malwarebytes clients use to identify themselves to the server.


I would appreciate any assistance you can offer.

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For anyone who ends up here from a search, here is the current solution:

It would be nice if Malwarebytes released a tool to make this process a little simpler.
In the least, if they could specify where the unique identifier is stored then I could script it myself.


This method does work well, even if it is a bit clunky.

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