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Just some questions I would like answered because I want to relay them to the

Seven Forum.



1. Is Malwarebytes free and Premium safe to update?

2. What is the proper setting with quarentine?

3. Is it safe to scan with Malwarebytes free and Premium?

4. Has their been or is their going to be a update to solve this resent problem?


Thank you for your help.


Layback Bear

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1. Yes

2. Quarantining for scan should NOT be set to automatic for scanning. You should choose to quarantine something rather than doing it automatically.

3. Yes

4. I presume you are speaking about Saturday's incident without actually mentioning it by name.  Default quarantining is being reviewed.


FYI...updating and scanning was safe on Saturday early evening (may even be late afternoon, depending on where you are).  Bottom line is that it's handled. and was a very isolated incident.

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Welcome back. :)


As your post seems to relate to MBAM (Malwarebytes Anti-Malware), not to MBAE (Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit), the moderator team will need to relocate this post to the appropriate section of the forum, HERE. :)



EDIT: It appears that one of our staffers has answered your specific questions.



Thank you,

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You had posted in the News, Questions and Comments section for a different Malwarebytes product, MBAE (Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit). ;)

Since your questions refer to Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM), your post was moved here. :)


(It's not a problem -- with so many products (MBAM, MBAE, MBAR, MBSB, MBAM-Mobile, etc), it can be confusing.)



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