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Conduit and Google Chrome


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Installed Anti Exploit free edition with the hopes of eliminating the constant reinstallment of the pup "conduit" into Google's Chrome. This conduit has the attention of many as it cannot be blocked. Malware Bytes detects it plenty and quarantines the "preferences" file in Chrome, no problem. Upon restart the "conduit" appears again and continues with its interference of mouse and keyboard function. When conduit is removed from Chrome function normalizes somewhat but the best action is to not even open Chrome it seems. Tried all the remedies nothing works. Hoping Anti Exploit gets to this pervasive problem or I will have to give up on the relatively fast Chrome browser.

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Welcome to the forum Igunde!


MBAE prevents exploit attacks. I'm fairly sure the conduit crapware installs by bundling with small software vendors installers, so it is installed by fooling user and using deceptive techniques. Therefore MBAE won't prevent the Conduit crap from installing unless it tries to install itself via exploits.

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