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Avast detected win32:malware-gen

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After much going back and forth on the Avast forum, it looks like a FP. According to some of the posters,  I guess Avast has some sort of issue/problem with this scan result. This is all sort of out of my area of expertise so I'm just doing what they say to do and reading all the posts regarding the infection.

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Hi, @Dublin70:


Until @David H Lipman returns....


The Malwarebytes staff would not be able to specifically address or "fix" an Avast False Positive, of course. ;)


However, if you ever need or want an expert "second opinion" regarding possible malware on your system (even if an MBAM scan is clean), then we would suggest following the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers.

After running the preliminary steps and scanners in that topic, you could take advantage of free, expert help, either in the malware removal section of the forum or at the consumer help desk.

One of the helpers or staff would assist you there with checking your system and any needed cleanup.


OTOH, if you ever come across a possible malware file that MBAM does not already detect and that you would like the Research Team to analyze, then the procedure for that is explained here and here.  You could then submit the requested information in the Research Center area of the forum here.


Thanks for reporting back with the FP confirmation from Avast,


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Thank you so much for your detailed input. If this is a false positive, and is now in the virus chest, do I really need to worry about pc being infected? All seems to be working normally - once a malware/virus has been detected and "put away", it seems to me that it has been neutralized. I did a rescan of the virus in the virus chest as suggested by Avast forum people and it still comes up in the result window. So it is not "fixed" but it is locked up. Correct? Hate to sound so feeble about all of this but I guess I'm looking for easy route.

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"Just restore the object flagged from quarantine"   So if it is a critical file, I should restore it. I don't know if it is or not. Sorry to be dragging this post on and on but I just am not too sharp when it comes to this "stuff". Can you tell if it's a critical file? Here it is: CSRSS_cancel.exe  - Original location: C:\dell\FIST. If it is not a critical file, can I just leave it in the virus chest? 


Thanks again.

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