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Failure to load Rootkits Detection Module.

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Every time a scheduled scan runs I get this message with the option to re-boot my computer to attempt to load the module. If I select this option the computer re-boots with MBAM running surrounded by a completely black screen. The scan seems to complete normally but when I close MBAM I'm left with the black screen. If I execute the "three fingered salute" I can run Task Manager and restart the computer which then seems to behave normally. Does anyone have any comments on this behaviour? OS is W7Ultimate 64bit on a Dell StudioXps. I have McAfee Internet Security running  and also Spyware Blaster and Cryptolock Preventer.

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Hello TheBadger:

In the event something has become missing or corrupted, let's start here:

  • Please try the following and let us know if this corrects your issue: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2.x.
  • If that does not correct the issue, then please read the following and individually attach the 3 requested logs in a reply to this thread: Diagnostic Logs.
  • The 3 files, from Step 2, to be individually attached from your desktop are: 1) CheckResults.txt 2) FRST.txt 3) Addition.txt. Please do not Copy and Paste them into a reply.
  • NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located in Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions.
Please let us know the status of your issue in a reply to this thread.

Thank You. :)

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Kindly excuse my intrusion, but a couple of items come to mind.


In addition to 1PW's excellent advice, is this the same computer about which you posted for the same problem here?

(It sounds as if the system has had other issues, too, such as failure to install Windows Updates?)


One other thing: since you mention Win7 Ultimate -- is your hard drive encrypted with the MS BitLocker encryption available on that version of Windows?

If so, that could be at least partially responsible for the problem you report -- anti-rootkit scanning is NOT supported on drives encrypted with any method other than TrueCrypt. So, an easy thing to try would be to disable anti-rootkit scanning from the Settings > Detection and Protection > Detection Options.


Having said all that, the issue you report could be caused by a rootkit, so please feel free to follow 1PW's advice, OR you might wish to just follow Firefox's advice and directly head over to the malware removal section for expert help.


<just another thought from another home user>






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As a matter of fact it is. When I heard nothing about that post I simply forgot about it - I must have forgotten to follow the thread. Also MBAM seemed to be behaving normally until yesterday when I made the second new post - apologies for repeating myself! As far as I'm aware no part of my hard drive is encrypted using the MS tool - unless Dell have encrypted their Rescue Partition.

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  • Root Admin

The logs are not complete as the FRST.TXT is not a text file. The other logs show signs of a possible infection.

I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.


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