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Does the latest version do a full scan even if you chosse a custom scan?

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With the previous version I had, I could right-click on an item and scan just that item - I'd always do that whenever I downloaded a file, and it just took a few seconds.


But with the latest version, I'm having lots of problem. The right-click facility is gone - MWB doesn't appear on the 'scan with' menu anymore.


But worse, the Custom Scan won't work. I selected it then navigated through My Documents, then Downloads, then the folder my selected file was in (and the folder had just that file in it and no more), then ticked the box and clicked the scan button. The result - it scanned for over 21 minutes, scanning over 674,090 objects, which looks like a full scan to me.


I could be doing something wrong, but i can't think what it is.

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Hello Malcolm2014 and :welcome:

By installation default, the Microsoft Windows right-click context menu entry capability for Scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is disabled.


Reference: User Guide - Explorer context menu entry

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware has the capability to launch a Threat Scan upon one or more individual files or directories from within Windows Explorer by using the context menu that becomes available when the files/directories are right-clicked. This setting allows that capability to be turned on or off. The default setting is No (off).



Alternatively, for those who would benefit the most from step-by-step instructions, please continue.

Enabling M.S. Windows Right-click Scan with MBAM Menu Entry

  • Please open the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Graphical User Interface (GUI).
  • Near the top of the window, left-click Settings.
  • Near the upper-left corner of the next window, left-click General Settings.
  • Near the right-middle find the Explorer context menu entry: radio buttons.
  • Left-click Yes to enable the Scan with Malwarebytes Ant-Malware right-click context menu entry.
  • If clicked, the internal software change delay should take less than 10 seconds to complete.
  • Close the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware GUI.
The right-click context menu entry capability for Scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, should now be present.

Thank you.

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EDIT:  Sorry, I did not see that 1PW was posting at the same time.  We had the same reply for your first question. ;)


For your second question:

But worse, the Custom Scan won't work. I selected it then navigated through My Documents, then Downloads, then the folder my selected file was in (and the folder had just that file in it and no more), then ticked the box and clicked the scan button. The result - it scanned for over 21 minutes, scanning over 674,090 objects, which looks like a full scan to me.

The different types of scans were renamed in version 2, and it has caused a bit of confusion.

"Flash" is now "Hyper"
"Quick" is now "Threat"
"Full" is now "Custom"

Hyper scan is available only to paid, PREMIUM users and is not routinely needed or recommended -- if anything is found, a subsequent Threat scan will be needed anyway.
THREAT scan is the most important and most useful scan -- it is the one that ought be run on a regular basis (daily is the default setting now in 2.0).
Custom depends on what drives, folders and files are selected -- routine use of a "full" system scan is neither necessary nor recommended, as it's a task better suited to your antivirus.
Having said that, if you selected only a certain folder for your "Custom" scan, but the program scanned more than that (or your whole system), then that would not be normal or expected behavior.
If you could please post back with that scan log attached to your next reply, we can take a look and see if additional troubleshooting might be needed.
We would prefer if you could export the scan log to a ".txt" file and then attach it here to your reply (as opposed to a copy/paste into your post).
Please let us know if you help with doing that.

ALSO, for additional information:
There is an FAQ Section here: Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions
And here are links to the MBAM 2.0 User Guide: Online and PDF
And there are many useful KB topics and videos at the helpdesk support page

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