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Malwarebytes Pro stops Photoshop 5 starting

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I am running XP Pro 32bit with Malewarebytes Pro.


All worked fine until the malwarebytes update installed the new version of Mlalwarebytes Pro. Since then, Photoshop 5 hangs on starting up. This can resloved only by exiting Malwarebytes continuous monitoring.


Is there any resulution of this problem, apart from exiting Malwarebytes monitoring while using Photoshop?

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MBAM (Malwarebytes Anti-Malware) does not block any legitimate Adobe application.

Perhaps you could post a protection log as an attachment to your next reply here, so that we can see what's going on?


Having said that.....

You mention "Pro" -- are you still running MBAM 1.75 Pro?

The current version is actually MBAM Premium.


So, I would suggest that you might want to please start with this routine troubleshooting:

  • Please follow the steps in this pinned topic to uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest build - MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x
  • If that does not correct the issue, then please read the following and post back attached to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)
  • NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located here - Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions

Please let us know how it goes.



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Hello and :welcome:

Just to add to daledoc1 excellent advice...

This was reported by at least two other persons HERE and again HERE, these persons decided to use the program by exiting Malwarebytes when then needed to use Photoshop 5, they also decided not to pursue the issue any further (they were also both infected) perhaps you can provide the logs, and try to work with the staff to see if they can find a conflict of some sort or even a solution to the problem.



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Thank you for your replies. I should have said "Premium" version as you suggested. It was when it upgraded automatically from the Pro version to the Premium that the problem began.


I was running the earlier version from 15/08/3013 when I purchaed the licence. I hd no trouble with that. It was only after the ugrade to Version: that this problem began.


It was only by chance I suspected it was Malwarebytes that was preventing Photoshop from starting up since it was the latest change made to my computer. Malwarebytes itself does not report anything about the problem.


I attach a log of the latest scan.


I will follow your other suggestions and report back.




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Thank you. But having read what the other user with the same problem did, I think I will do the same as him and restore XP from an image I recently made. This will restore the earlier version of Malwarebytes.


Like him, I only use XP for a few jobs I cannot do on Windows 7. Apart from updating its virus protection and Malwarebytes I no longer use it on the Internet.


I might also note that the new version of Mlawarebytes will not allow a simple computer shutdown. Instead it asks to be closed on every shutdown. So there does seem to be incompatibility problems with XP with the lates Premium version.



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Thank you. But having read what the other user with the same problem did, I think I will do the same as him and restore XP from an image I recently made. This will restore the earlier version of Malwarebytes.

That's probably not a very workable long-term solution.

For one thing, MBAM 2 is a more effective and powerful anti-malware application "under the hood".

Moreover, support for MBAM 1.75 will end in several months.

So, it would be a good idea to work out any possible conflicts with your third-party software and version 2 now, if you are willing to do so.


I might also note that the new version of Mlawarebytes will not allow a simple computer shutdown. Instead it asks to be closed on every shutdown. So there does seem to be incompatibility problems with XP with the lates Premium version.

There is no inherent issue with MBAM 2 and Windows XP.

It is fully compatible, and Malwarebytes continues to support XP with their consumer applications.

This sounds like a separate issue that relates to something  specific on your system.


The QA team would be happy to work with you on BOTH issues.

Doing so will require a bit of basic system information for starters.

So, if you would like help, I suggest that you please read the following and post back attached to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

I believe the issue is that this version of Photoshop is probably using some 16-bit code and our current product appears to block 16-bit code from launching. Whether or not there will be a fix in an upcoming version I'm not sure at this time. As indicated, for now one would need to disable MBAM during the product launch or you might possibly be able to set a compatibility setting on the shortcut that might not trigger our code.

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