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Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Edition on remote Users

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My company just bought Malware Bytes Enterprise Edition & received the ID and Key for 50 Users. The Problem is that I have remote Users and they are not connected to company Network but connect to Internet. You can say they are not domain users. Can I install Malware bytes which i will download and Install the same ID and key on 50 Clients individually.

Usman Ghani

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You really need to open a support ticket for the answer to this question: https://www.malwarebytes.org/support/business/contact/.  I can see at least five different questions that they would need to ask you in order to get you started on the right track, and nobody in the forums would have the answers to those questions or have a correct answer to your question.

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maybe be not the best way, but I jsut installed it manually when they brought them in and configured them to scan at my intervals and download the definitions right from the web.  I dont have any control over those users, but at leat they are protected.

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