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Malwarebytes isn't working, neither is Chameleon

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Hello, I saw a previous thread for this, but I also saw a comment to start a new one for each person if the same problem is happening, so here goes. 

Malwarebytes isn't working, I try open it as I usually do, it does it's thing and tries to open but it doesn't, regardless of how long I wait (thinking it is just still loading).  The same sort of thing happens in chameleon too.  It tries to open malwarebytes, finds that it can't and proceeds to scan (and close I think) some files that should allow malwarebytes to open, but that doesn't either.  I have opened it before, and scanned a few times too, so I know it should work (I currently use Windows 8) with my computer.  

I have also tried to run it as Administrator as well, to no avail.  


Help?  Cheers.

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Hello and :welcome:

Let's try this first....

Thank You,


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