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Desktop icons and wallpaper gone after scan.

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I've never had this happen before so I am at a loss. First, I am running Windows 7 Professional 64 bit.


I installed the latest update for MBAM last week Tuesday (7/15/14) and ran a scan on my system. There was about 20 PUP items that showed up in the scan list and without thinking, I checked all of them and clicked the button to remove all selected threats.


After a reboot, my desktop has gone to black with no icons except for Recycle Bin. All programs I had pinned to the taskbar are gone. And, when I click on Start, all the recently used items are gone as well.  Plus, it looks like Aero is missing or broken as well.


Also, the first time I opened Chrome, I had to sign in to bring back all of my favorites and settings in the browser.


What happened?  It looks like it's just my desktop that is affected, but I'm not even sure of THAT now.


Any help will be REALLY appreciated!

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Hello and :welcome: :


The problem you describe sounds typical for some types of malware damage.

We can't work on malware diagnostics and removal in this sub-section of the forum.

But, expert help is "around the corner".

So, for expert assistance, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
A malware analyst will help you to get cleaned up and to repair the damage.


>>>If the computer is so crippled that you can't even run the preliminary scans, then please just start a new topic in the malware removal section anyway, explaining the situation. 

The helpers there will have some special tools they can use to help you recover your stuff.

Please be patient waiting for help and please resist the urge to "self-medicate", as doing so could make it harder to recover.


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