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Do ID's and Keys expire?

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A while back I bought 2 product Keys. 1 to use on my desktop and one for the laptop I was going to buy in the future. Well the future is here now and I downloaded Malwarbytes to the new laptop. Enter ID and key and it tells me they are no good. I had written them down and saved the e-mail but I can't seem to find the e-mail now and I've entered in the number several times with no luck. Any help or did I just waste some money?

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The answer to your question depends on whether it is a LIFETIME license (purchased before March 2014, and some "promotional" licenses purchased since then) valid for 1 PC at a time, or whether it is a SUBSCRIPTION, renewable license (purchased after March 2014) valid for up to 3 PCs at a time.


The most common reason for the error you are seeing is a failure to type the correct letters and numbers, or adding spaces where there shouldn't be.

For example, I vs. 1, or O vs 0, or 5 vs S, or other substitutions are often to blame.

Alternatively, when doing a copy/paste from an email, inadvertently adding trailing spaces after the numbers could also cause an error.


It says 'Invalid license information' when I try to activate the software.


In order to be better assist you with the precise information that applies to your specific situation, it would help us to know:

  • When you bought the license(s)
  • Where you bought them
  • Whether they were online purchases, or software CDs in a box.

Please post back and let us know if you need more help,


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I bought 2 of the lifetime licenses, before the subscription services started. I bought them online from the malware website. I had printed the email out wrote down the letters and saved the email, but I seemed to have misplaced the print out and the email is gone so all I have is the one I wrote down.

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While Daledoc returns...

You should contact cleverbridge.....

If you lost your ID and License Key then send an email to: cs@cleverbridge.com


Phone: +1-866-522-6855

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM (CST)

Also, their contact info can be found HERE.

When you get the email Print it out

Malwarebytes Tech support does not have any access to, or information pertaining to any sales\shipping\user account\registration issues.

You may also try and look up your product info at the cleverbridge Purchase Lookup Page

If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to post.

Thanks :)

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I purchased another key on March 3, just before Version 2 was posted. You said before March. It should be a lifetime license. Any way I can check ?


The  email is on another machine, I will check tomorrow,so hold off on any reply. Although it would be nice to know the actual date of V2.

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Hi, @KenW:


Version 2 was released publicly on 24 March 2014.

The switch to subscription licensing would have been around that time.

(There have also been a number of 1-PC, lifetime licenses sold under various promotions since then.)


There is currently no way to tell in the MBAM GUI, under "My Account" whether it is a lifetime or subscription license (or what the expiration date is).

The dev team has mentioned that this information will be available in the GUI with a future release.


It's a good idea, as Firefox suggested, to print out the transaction email for your purchase.

You can always contact cleverbridge, as Firefox also explained.

You could also run the mbam-check utility program and look in the log, down towards the bottom, for the "Expiration Time".



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