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How To Stop a Malware Detected Popup

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I have a Malware Detected pop up constantly running in the lower right corner and when I click on the x nothing happens. It does not give me any options as to what to do with the threat. When I click on it it opens Application logs where I can view the logs but how do I stop this pop up? It's very annoying! 

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Does the notification look like the attached screenshot (IOW, no options to deal with it)?

If so, then the item detected would have been automatically quarantined:

Malware has been detected as a function of real-time protection. You have chosen to exercise the auto-quarantine capability when malware has been detected, so the offending software has been moved to quarantine and modified so that it may not cause any damage to your computer.


You can open the dashboard > History > Quarantine to see what is there.


In any event, it sounds as if you could be infected.
While you can post the protection log here for a preliminary review (let us know if you need help with that), we don't work on malware related issues here, in this sub-section of the forum.
So, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
A malware analyst will guide you through the scanning and cleanup process.



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