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Malwarebytes has stopped working

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Hi all,


I recently installed the free trial of Malwarebytes and for some reason it won't scan. It starts up normally, then after a few minutes stops working and says it's looking for a solution and will continue when one has been found. It's not the updates, because when I installed the first thing the program did was prompt for updates, which went well.


Can someone please help me?


Thanks in advance.

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Hello Az9 and :welcome:

Let's begin here shall we?

  • Please try the following and let us know if this corrects your issue: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2.x.
  • If that does not correct the issue, then please read the following and individually attach the 3 requested logs in a reply to this thread: Diagnostic Logs.
  • The 3 files, from Step 2, to be individually attached from your desktop are: 1) CheckResults.txt 2) FRST.txt 3) Addition.txt. Please do not Copy and Paste them into a reply.
  • NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located in Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions.
Please let us know the status of your issue in a reply to this thread.

Thank You. :)

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Hi 1PW,


Thank you for your help and patience. the clean re-install did the trick. Followed your instructions to the letter. For some reason, even all the icons that disappeared a few days ago on my tray, have re-appeared:). Computers baffle me to say the least. So, thank you and best of luck with your forums. 

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