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Langguage Support Issue in Ver 2.x

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I helped my friend to upgrade his Malwarebytes on two Win XP machines from ver 1.6.x  and ver 1.7.x (free version) to the latest version (


When using the older version, he selected Simplified Chinese language and everything had being working fine for about two years. But after upgraded to the newer version, I couldn't locate the Chinese languages in the language selection dropdown box.


I uninstalled, and installed an older version (, and it had the same problem.


I then tested it on my own computers, and they appear the same.


Does version 2 removed the Chinese language support?


Please help.



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In version 2.0 we switched to a new codebase using QT instead of VB6. Unfortunately QT didn't natively support the Chinese language as an option so in order to have it even available, we had to make some code changes in our software. Unfortunately, there wasn't time to get that done by the time we'd discovered the problem. We did however get Chinese translations for the software, so once the issue is fixed with getting them to display correctly in the drop down menu so that users can select them, both Chinese and Chinese (Simplified) should be available.

We are going to have to make similar fixes for several other languages to be supported too. It wasn't just Chinese that was affected.

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