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Premium Scheduled Scans not running.

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Hello ProxyReBorne and :welcome::


Checking one of the Select boxes is the step just before Remove Task only.


The fact that the lines are present in Automated Scheduling means they are already in the scheduler's queue.

Thank you.

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Until 1PW returns, I think there might still be a bit of confusion here.
(Automated scheduling has changed somewhat in version 2 and the GUI is a bit "counter-intuitive".)
First: as long as a task (update check or scan) is listed under Settings > Automated Scheduling, then you can assume that it will run as scheduled (assuming that the computer is powered on and that the task settings are correct).  You can check to be sure by opening the Dashboard > History > Application Logs to verify that.
Second: as 1PW already pointed out -- and this is what has confused people -- there is no need to place a check mark in the "Select" column, UNLESS the user wants to **remove** that task from the scheduler.  IOW, the user must *manually* place that check mark in the "Select" column in order to enable the "Remove Task" button.  Otherwise, that column remains **UN**checked. (see screen shot). IOW, the only reason to place a check mark in the "Select" box would be to *remove* that task.
Third: Hyper scan (new name for the old "Flash" scan under version 1) is NOT the preferred scan.  Even if a Hyper scan detects something, it will need to be followed by at least a Threat scan in many cases, in order to accomplish complete removal. So the Threat scan is the scan type that is scheduled daily by default in version 2.

The different types of scans were renamed in version 2, and it has caused a bit of confusion.

"Flash" is now "Hyper"
"Quick" is now "Threat"
"Full" is now "Custom"

Hyper scan is available only to paid, PREMIUM users and is not routinely needed or recommended -- if anything is found, a subsequent Threat scan will be needed anyway.
THREAT scan is the most important and most useful scan -- it is the one that ought be run on a regular basis (daily is the default setting now in 2.0).
Custom depends on what drives, folders and files are selected -- routine use of a "full" system scan is neither necessary nor recommended, as it's a task better suited to your antivirus.


Hope this helps!


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You are most welcome. :)
(FWIW, you aren't the first person to be confused by that particular setting.  I guess it made sense to the developers at the time. :lol: Perhaps there will be a "tweak" in an upcoming program version to make it a bit more intuitive.)


Also (this is new for version 2): scheduled, clean scans run silently (no active scan window on the desktop, no scan log that pops up on the desktop). So, it can be a bit harder for the user to know that the scheduled scans are actually running as expected.  A quick check in the History > Application Logs will verify that they are.  (The dev team has mentioned that a future program release will include an animated system tray icon that will be active during scans. That will be good.)
ALSO, for additional information about version 2:
There is an FAQ Section here: Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions
And here are links to the MBAM 2.0 User Guide: Online and PDF
And there are many useful KB topics and videos at the helpdesk support page
Please let us know if you need anything else.

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