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Hello there. I was downloading a free program one day. Since it was the free version it came with bundles that I had to uncheck before the installation. There were two offers. The last one was an offer for Chica Password Manager. For some reason, even after unchecking it was installed. I might have misclicked, I am not sure. I have Malwarebytes Pro and Avast! as protection, they did not pick up anything, expect Malwarebytes, that picked up OpenCandy, wich is legit and is the program that offers these things.

I uninstalled Chica after it started, it was removed and I've not seen anything from it since. I did a scan with both Malwarebytes and Avast!, they did not find anything either. I know that Chica offers an anti-malware for women that uses the Malwarebytes database. So I am wondering, should I for some reason do some extra scans?


I am not looking for anyone to help me remove anything. I am just wondering if I could possibly infected.


Again, sorry if I post this in the wrong place. I feel like it fits better here than in the malware removal help.

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Hi, Tagara:

I am not looking for anyone to help me remove anything. I am just wondering if I could possibly infected.

Well, unfortunately, there's no way anyone could possibly say for sure without running some scans and tools.

Those tools cannot be used here in this area of the forum.

That sort of work is conducted in a special, dedicated area of the forum, by trained experts, for free, or at the help desk.

To start the process, we would suggest that you please follow the steps in this pinned topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers.

The help is free and will only cost you a bit of your time.


If, as you mentioned, you don't want assistance, then I don't know how we could possibly determine whether or not you are infected. :(


Thank you,

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