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MBAM (Premium) suddenly stopped working

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Hello and :welcome:, @TFU_2014:


It's hard to say what's happening without a bit more information, e.g. whether it "stopped working" while scanning, or while updating or while something else is going on.

A couple of easy things to check:
>>First, please be sure your system date/time are correct.
>>Then, please be sure that your AV and firewall both give MBAM full permissions. It's possible that your AV or firewall might be treating the new build as a new program and may be blocking it -- the files that need to be excluded can be found HERE. Please post back if you need help with that.
>>Also, please check to be sure there are no "Detected Threats" that need to be dealt with first, as this can prevent the program from updating: Click the "Scan" button at the top of the dashboard and verify that there are no detected threats (especially PUPs or PUMs) awaiting your actions.
>> Finally, you might want to start with the advice in this pinned topic >>HERE<< -- we don't have enough info about your system yet to know if it will work for you (but it won't hurt).

If those suggestions don't resolve your issue:

Please let us know how it goes.


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