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Avast and MBAM settings

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 from Craig B ....daledoc1 most of those exclusions are fine except for the webshield exclusion as the webshield does not scan the malwarebytes updates anyway, that is done with the network shield so who ever did those exclusions made a slight mistake there.

Personally though no exclusion's are necessary in avast for malwarebytes but if you feel you want them then just add the malwarebytes program file to the file system shield exclusions, the main exclusion that is not listed there is C:Windows\Temp\avast which should be added to the ignore list in malwarebytes because this is where avast unpacks its files and it would not be good for avast if this file was stomped on by malwarebytes.

Hi, daledoc1....I refer back to this post from CraigB, in 2011....do I need to add the Avast exclusion to mbam?  I tried using the path he quoted, but the system says the path doesn't exist....I guess it's changed in 3 years?   Please take note I am a novice....

I am using WIN XP PRO SP 3.0 32 bit....on a desktop....and no I cannot afford at this time to upgrade, much as I would like to. I am running mbam free version plus Avast (free v also)....

Please can you put some light on this topic for me?

Many thanks for your time,

Kind regards


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