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Processor Overheating/COM Surrogate/Disk Usage Going Haywire and much more <3


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Hey and before I start, I want you to know that I am very grateful to you, for taking some time out of your busy schedule and helping me clean/fix my computer. Much appreciated.



My computer hangs at random times.

COM Surrogate takes up too much of my processing power.

Audio files take forever to render in FL Studio.


I need my laptop for live DJ performances and I can't afford to get in trouble with my laptop effing up in the middle of the session lol


Thanks so much. Currently installing windows updates. 

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Audio files take forever to render in FL Studio.


I need my laptop for live DJ performances and I can't afford to get in trouble with my laptop effing up in the middle of the session lol


Thanks so much. Currently installing windows updates.

Right off the top...

Get a can of compressed air and blow out all the dust in the vents as well as the fan intake and exhaust areas.

Depending on the make and model (which you haven't provided) there may be a BIOS update that improves how system provides cooling and control of the fan.


Sometimes people use a computer for both business and personal reasons.  That is often a bad idea as the business side use (often called production use) must be fully operation or it can affect your business model.


The optimal solution would be to have two computers.  One personal and one for business.

Often that not be practical or financially prudent.


However there is another way.  You say you have a notebook.  Unfortunately Today, most COTS retail notebooks are scaled down versions.  But here is something to think about and implement.


Use TWO hard disks.  They can have the same OS since they run on the same system or you can have two different OS'.


I do that.  I am using a Dell Latitude D620.

My main hard disk and the majority of my work is performed under Windows Vista.

In my backpack I have another hard disk with 1Windows XP and I use that utility purposes and not data purposes.  When I need it I just shutdown the notebook, then swap drives.  I keep images of both the Vista hard disk and the XP hard disk so if something goes wrong when I am using the HP hard disk I can restore the image.


In your case you use it as a DJ.  I totally get it.  You have one hard disk with all your personal day-2-day software.  Another hard disk that has all the DJ software.  When you work as a DJ, you just swap the drives.   That will help to mitigate the following; "...get in trouble with my laptop effing up in the middle of the session...".



1.  I also have another hard disk with Win7/64 and I had another with Windows 8.1 Preview (until 12/31/'13).

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"And google chrome, for some reason, sets its homepage to my-online-search and then bing, every time I restart it... help?"

first off , after making sure the laptop vents and air path are clean - including the fan (lock it up with a toothpick ... over spin is not good) ...

head over to the malware removal section :


follow the instructions to the best of your abilities and start a new topic ... provide make , model and a brief description of the major symptoms .


ps ... personally speaking ... eventually ditch google chrome and go with FF .

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