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That's it I give up

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After weeks and weeks of the stuck in a loop database update popup.  I know have Malwarebytes constantly popping up and saying it's blocking my VPN software.  No mater how many times I click exclude, there it is a few minutes popping up over and over and over again.


I have been a paid user for 4 years now but that's it.  I'm uninstalling and moving on.  

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Hi, ridernyc:
We're disappointed to learn that you continue to have updating problems with MBAM.
I'm sure you're frustrated.

I do recall seeing isolated reports of compatibility issues with certain VPN clients, but nothing recently, as I think those were solved.
I know it doesn't help you and I know that each computer is unique, but I have no problems with MBAM 2 and my VPN client.

And there are other reasons for updating failures (system configuration, firewall, malware, etc).
Have you been working with the help desk, because I don't see any forum posts by you here about the problem?
The staff and experts will be happy to assist you, for free, either here or at the help desk.
Nearly all of these problems can be solved.
But, do to so, we will need a bit of preliminary system information to start troubleshooting.
If you would like help, I suggest that you please read the following and post back attached to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs


We will be more than happy to try to help.



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Excellent idea, @Porthos.
Thanks for that link to @AdvancedSetup's specific instructions for adding exclusions (it's more complete than the user guide).
I may have misunderstood the OP, but I thought he mentioned that he had already tried doing that?
(And it may depend on the particular VPN client, but I do not have to exclude mine from MBAM.)
In any event, @ridernyc, I would suggest trying @Portho's advice to see if that resolves your issue.
Please let us know if you need help with that and to let us know if that works.

ALSO, for additional information:
There is an FAQ Section here: Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions
And here are links to the MBAM 2.0 User Guide: Online and PDF
And there are many useful KB topics and videos at the helpdesk support page


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