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Removal of PUP Malaware in Version 2.02.1012

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I am running the pro version and after a scan it identifies PUP's, but it is highlighted as Potential Treats, I cannot remove them it does not give me the option to do so, and in the settings I have it set to "Treat detections as Malware", I have the same software on my laptop and set the same way and that allows me to remove PUP's. I have asked support but they sy download some other software programme. Defeats the object of paying for this. Anyone can give me advice appreciated.

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No one security software program -- not even MBAM -- can possibly remove 100% of the many thousands of ever-changing malware variants circulating in the wild.  This is explained in greater detail in this pinned topic: The complexity of finding, preventing, and cleanup from malware

Some of the more pesky PUPs and malware infections require the use of multiple tools.

It could also be the case that you are being reinfected by something lurking on your system


Unfortunately, we cannot work on PUP/malware removal in this particular section of the forum.

There is free, one-on-one expert help available, either at the help desk or in a dedicated area of the forum.

Please feel free to take advantage of that support by starting with the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers


Thank you,

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